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- Materia Silicone Head & TPE Body Remove This Item
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Product Reviews
Review by Steve
Her face doesn't seem as bright as the picture shows, but that's okay I like the matte finish. Everything else is good.
Review by @Badd Angel (YouTube)
Get ready for a fun video because I have a BBW doll, Ursula, next to me, and she is the heaviest and most high-quality doll I've ever owned. She has r...
Review by Davis. M
The doll was of superior quality and ensured longevity. Exactly like the pictures on the website. It arrived perfect and in pristine condition without...
Review by D.A
I obtained an astonishing likeness of Aeriths from a life-sized Doll. Her complexion is flawless and the body exhibits the highest standards of realis...
Review by THOREN
Experience with an economical brand made me appreciate the value of the brand ( (non-WM). It was much superior in quality than I had anticipated - sof...