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- Price $2,120.00 - $2,129.99 Remove This Item
- Genre Curvy Remove This Item
- Breast Cup Large Remove This Item
Product Reviews
Review by Matt
I checked some information before I placed the order and it showed that the production cycle of elsababe is pretty long. I just want to say it's true!...
Review by Bedman
Finally ordered this mini doll and live with her for days, so enjoyable. Life is like a rollercoaster. You can scream all the way down or enjoy the ri...
Review by MK
As for me, without enough space for a "normal" size doll lady in my apartment, so was searching for a mini version for months until finding this mini ...
Review by BT
Here are my thoughts on the doll after a year. It is made of quality materials, and its paint job is almost life-like, genuinely amazing. I have the 1...
Review by Gareth O.
The Doll itself is just as good as in the photos on the website, so realistic it’s unbelievable. I am one very happy customer
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Find Your Dream Curvy Large $2,120.00 - $2,129.99 Sex Doll Here Discover the Perfect Companion,Your Ideal of sex dolls will fulfill your deepest fantasies, ensuring a pleasurable and immersive encounter.