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- Price $1,650.00 - $1,659.99 Remove This Item
- Materia TPE Remove This Item
Product Reviews
Review by Javier. M
I am completely satisfied with SDS team. They went above and beyond to ensure I had everything I needed. Jasmine is a bit heavy so I wouldn't recommen...
Review by MagicianGuy
I'm simply blown away by her exquisiteness. The amount of detail on her is absolutely remarkable and I've been marveling at her for hours, it's simple...
Review by Doye H.
I’m rookie, and my first time as well. The brand seller offered soooo professional service which impressed me so much, right on time and the doll is...
Review by BT
Here are my thoughts on the doll after a year. It is made of quality materials, and its paint job is almost life-like, genuinely amazing. I have the 1...
Review by Edwin Backhoven
The Last of Us Ellie Doll is an amazing character that captures the essence of the game. From the detailed stitching in her clothes to the realistic f...
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Find Your Dream TPE $1,650.00 - $1,659.99 Sex Doll Here Discover the Perfect Companion,Your Ideal of sex dolls will fulfill your deepest fantasies, ensuring a pleasurable and immersive encounter.